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Intakes in UK

Intakes in UK: Everything You Must Know to Study in UK

The UK is a beautiful country with stunning landscapes and a diverse range of universities. The country attracts thousands of international students and facilitates them with quality education. As universities in the UK often find themselves on the list of top-rated world universities, international students patiently wait for intakes in UK 2022. The variety of courses and admission eligibilities may confuse international students at the last moment. With this write-up, we try to answer everything you must know about intakes in the UK if you are planning to study in the UK.

How many intakes are there in the UK?

Most Universities in the UK facilitate two intakes for international students. The first intake usually starts during September/October, and the second takes place during January/February. Few universities also offer April/May intake for a few courses. Due to this, international students get an extra opportunity to study in the United Kingdom.

September/October Intake: This goes by the name "Autumn Intake" and is the main intake in the UK. Almost every university offers every course in this intake. The deadline for Autumn intake usually lies between February and May of the same academic year and is subjected to change from course to course, university to university.

Some of the universities that offer September/October intake are as follows:

  • 1. University of Surrey
  • 2. University of Derby
  • 3. University of Westminster
  • 4. London Metropolitan University
  • 5. University of Bradford
  • 6. Swansea University
  • 7. University of Wolverhampton
  • 8. Keele University
  • 9. University of Leeds
  • 10. Kingston University

January/February Intake: This is the second intake in UK universities. The January intake is mainly for students who weren't available or accepted in the first intake. The deadline lies in June and September and is subjected to change from course to course, university to university.

Some of the universities that offer January/February intake are as follows:

  • 1. Bangor University
  • 2. Birmingham City University
  • 3. Brunel University
  • 4. Edge Hill University
  • 5. Kingston University
  • 6. Northumbria University
  • 7. University of Chester
  • 8. University of Greenwich

April/May Intake: As we have told you earlier, only selected universities in the UK offer admission through May intake. In summer intake, Universities like Southampton Solent University, University of Bedfordshire, Coventry University, etc., offer admission to international students in selected courses.

Confused over Which Intake to Choose? Get Your Answers Here.

Options can often create confusion in many. And when it comes to choosing the right college at the right time, international students who want to study in the UK find it hardest.

Consider these notions before you make up your mind about intake in the UK:

  • 1. If the preferred program is available
  • 2. How good or bad your academic score is
  • 3. Marks you have secured in the entrance exam
  • 4. Rate of Acceptance of the university
  • 5. If there are job opportunities available
  • 6. How eager you're to join the university

Besides that, many international students choose to take admission during September/October intake. If you're eligible for September intake and have all the relevant documents, you should opt for admission.

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