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Cost of Studying in New Zealand


Cost of Studying in New Zealand

Besides amazing landscapes and one of the best human life index, New Zealand is also quite famous destination for all those students who want to study abroad. As per the QS ranking, all the universities of New Zealand are in top 300, making New Zealand one of the best country to study in. Due to rise of popularity among international students seeking admission in New Zealandian university, the cost of studying in New Zealand have also gone up. The other factor is that New Zealand is a small island and is pretty much isolated from the rest of the world. Every essential commodity is exensive there when compared to other European, Asian, or North American country. That’s why it’s best to plan accordingly before applying for admission in New Zealand. In this write-up, we are going to learn every small and big expenses that sum up the cost of studying in New Zealand.

Cost of Education in New Zealand - An Overview

The academic fees of New Zealand universities varies from one course to another, one university to another. Students and their parents must be ready to spend atleast 10,00,000 Lac INR per annum for the least expensive course. For more professional course and top- ranked university, one has to spend atleast 36L INR per annum.

Cost of Living and Other Expenses in New Zealand

When compared to other European and North American countries, international students view New Zealand's cost of living to be somewhat high. Also, even the cost of basic essentials may seem expensive for Indian students. The best thing about studying in New Zealand is that you can work part-time job and make a decent living to accomodate your exenses and even save a little for future. Besides all of that, the cost of living in New Zealand may range from INR 9,73,838 - 12,17,070.

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